Effective policy formulation in the energy sector relies on rigorous analysis of readily available, accurate and reliable information. Availability of such information in the public domain will also help independent researchers contribute more effectively to policy analysis in India.
Despite a rich variety in energy data sources in India, it is often difficult to analyse issues in the energy sector without investing significant time, effort and money in data gathering and processing.
In this context, Prayas (Energy Group) has developed India Energy Dashboards with support from NITI Aayog under the socioeconomic research grant scheme. The portal showcases a subset of official Indian energy statistics in one place and makes the statistics accessible to the general public by presenting them in a visually interesting, easy-to-understand and interactive manner. This data can also be downloaded into machine readable formats such as csv.
Version 1 of the portal was developed with annual data across coal, oil and gas, and electricity sectors and was released in May 2017. Subsequently, version 2 was developed with additional data and features such as sub-yearly data, links to other portal data, better download functionality and a workflow system to help maintain the Dashboards. Version 2 was released by the Vice Chairperson, NITI Aayog on 12th April 2021.
Following is a list of features of the India Energy Dashboards:
- Annual and monthly energy statistics related to potential/reserves, production, transport, consumption and prices
- Regulatory data such as power purchase, sales, tariff, average cost of supply, revenue gap, etc.
- Data from other government portals such as Saubhagya, UJALA, PRAAPTI and Vidyut PRAVAH
- Ability to download the data in csv format
- Feedback forum for data users
- Workflow system to facilitate and streamline periodic updation of data
The portal is hosted online through NITI Aayog's energy portal at https://www.niti.gov.in/edm/ (earlier hosted at https://niti.gov.in/edm/ and http://indiaenergy.gov.in/edm/). The Energy vertical within NITI Aayog will be maintaining and enhancing the portal going forward.