The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) invited comments and suggestions from the public on four new data formats that it has proposed to include by amending the Furnishing of Statistics, Returns and Information Regulations, 2007. Under the regulations there are currently 65 data formats to seek information from various stakeholders.

The proposed data formats are:

  • Format-21A: Annual data of industries having electricity demand of 0.5 MW and above
  • Format-21B: Annual data of captive power plants having installed capacity of 0.5 mw and above
  • Format 66: Report on power purchase agreement by independent power producers
  • Format 67: Progress of reform measures as per the Electricity Act, 2003,National Electricity Policy, 2005 and National Tariff Policy,2016

Our specific comments and suggestions focuss on reducing ambiguity and ensuring standardised data submissions which can aid comparisons across states while representing current trends in the sector. In addition, our comments also highlight the need to amend the existing 65 regulations to better capture changes in the sector. Further, to ensure CEA's repository of power sector data is effectively utilised to build public discourse and ensure analysis based policy making, it is crucial that the data is available in an accessible and processable format. Some suggestions in relation to this are also highlighted.