The Ministry of Power has proposed an amendment to the notified Electricity (Right of Consumers) Rules, 2020. The amendment focuses on smart and prepaid meter operating protocols for all consumers and Time of Day (ToD) tariff application for smart metered and C&I consumers. We find that these amendments are crucial and hence need to take into consideration operational and implementation challenges at state level, and hence provide flexibility to states within the bounds of an overarching framework. Our comments on the proposed amendment are to suggest that there is lack of clarity in some provisions and some require to be reframed for effective implementation.

Our related Submissions:

Comments on Draft Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Second Amendment Rules, 2023

Comments and Suggestions on Draft Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2022

Comments on Draft Electricity (Right of Consumers) Amendment Rules, 2021

Comments and Suggestions on the Draft Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020