Prayas made submission before MERC on the proposed rate for power purchase from Small Hydro Power (SHP) projects. The size of such projects is in the range of 0 – 25 MW. Water Resource (Irrigation) Department of Government of Maharashtra (GoMWRD) submitted a proposal to MERC for addition of about 200 MW of such projects in 5 years mainly with private sector participation. Accordingly, it proposed a tariff for a period of 30 years for purchase of power from these projects. This submission deals with the lacunae we observed in GoMWRD’s proposal and our suggestions about the same. Prayas presentation to MERC at public hearing (27th September 2005)
Also see Prayas submission before MERC on the proposal of MSEB for power purchase from Bhandardara II Hydroelectric Project (BHEP II). This existing and running project of GoM’s irrigation department is privatized and the new promoter M/s Dodson Lindblom Hydro Power Pvt Ltd (DLHPPL) has proposed power purchase by MSEB for 30 years with a levelised tariff of 4.36 Rs/kWh. The plant is proposed to be operated for peaking power during morning and evening peak hours. This submission, apart from pointing several lacunas in the proposal, compares the BHEP II power with a mass scale DSM scheme that also provides a significant peak relief and concludes that BHEP II power is 18 times costlier than the CFL scheme! Prayas presentation to MERC at public hearing (27th September 2005)