The power utilites (DISCOMs, GENCO, TRANSCO) of Telangana submitted their petitions on load forecasts and resource plans for the next two control periods (FY25-29 and FY30-34) to the Telangana SERC. The forecast and plans emerging from such process have particular significance in planning for the state power sector, providing indications and guidance for sector actors, while working towards goals such as reducing power shortages, providing 24 x 7 reliable supply, increased penetration of renewable sources, better integration of the national grid and growing electricity markets, amongst others. 

While the submission of such petitions and the related public processes are a step in the right direction, Prayas (Energy Group) provided comments toward strengthening some aspects of the petition and highlighting limitations and data gaps. The particular focus of these comments was the need to improve the load forecasts to reflect recent realities and growth rates, scrutiny of capacity additions and the generation planned from state owned thermal generation,  improvements in the submission of data and use of  modelling tools. 
