Ministry of Power (MoP) constituted an Expert Committee to prepare and recommend National Electricity Policy 2021. In letter dated 27th April 2021, MoP solicited suggestions and comments on draft National Electricity Policy. Prayas (Energy Group)’s comments and suggestions on NEP 2021, focus on multiple aspects including the need to:

  • facilitate retail competition and consumer choice;
  • accelerate supply-mix transition away from coal towards renewables;
  • enhance financial viability of sector, especially distribution companies;
  • focus on providing quality, reliable, affordable supply and service;
  • strengthen regulatory governance and;
  • ensure socially and environmentally responsible generation

The draft shared by the Ministry and our detailed suggestions are below. 

On 25th May, Prayas made an additional submission to the committee highlighting the need to further retail competition and review need for RE concessions. The submission also provided more details on the idea of group metering pilots for agricultural consumers as well as virtual net metering for public bodies.

This short article, which appeared in the e-edition of The Indian Express newspaper on 15 June 2021, captures the key points in the Prayas submission to the Ministry of Power on the draft National Electriciy Policy.