In accordance with the MERC Tariff Regulatiosn 2005, all utilities in Maharashtra filed their first Multi Year Tariff (MYT) proposals for FY 2008 to FY 2010 before MERC. Following are Prayas's presentations made before the MERC during public hearings on the MYT proposals. Prayas observed that there are significant uncertainties especially regarding short term power purchase (its rate and quantum) and load shedding. Moreover, existing data collection and performance monitoring systems are weak. This is crucial in light of the first MYT exercise in the state. Therefore, Prayas's comments mainly deal with strengthening performance monitoring systems of the utilities so as to make them accountable and improve the quality if supply and service. Prayas also raised other important issues such as high T&D loss, excessive Capital Expenditure, optimising Fuel Cost, rising Operations and Maintenance expenses etc.
Following are Prayas's presentations made before the MERC during public hearings on the MYT proposals.