Maharastra State Power Generation Company Ltd (MSPGCL) filed a multi year tariff petition for the final true up of FY23 and FY24, provisional true-up of FY25, and approval of ARR and tariff for FY26 to FY30. Given the issues discussed in the generating company's petition and towards prudent, efficient operations, Prayas (Energy Group) made a submission on the following:
- Disallowance of slippages in coal quality between the loading and unloading end, which continue to remain high despite relaxations and regulatory allowances and suggestions towards addressing this challenge
- Scrutiny of the impacts and costs of coal washing, especially since the improvements in coal quality claimed have not materialised
- Review and reconsideration of coal from MSPGCL's integrated mine Gare Palma II, given that coal from the mine is of lower quality and higher price than envisaged
- Ensuring prudent coal procurement and disallowing cost impacts of imprudent procurement of imported coal
- Disallowance of unrealistic PLF considerations and generation projected by MSPGCL, and also disallowance of further coal-based capacity additions by MSPGCL especially under Section 62
- Conditional allowance of auxiliary consumption and variable cost impact of Pollution Control Equipment (PCE), contingent on proof of PCE operation
- Directing MSPGCL to publish on their website the necessary information to track capacity declared available, scheduled and offered on the market, towards ensuring adherence to the Ministry of Power's Late Payment Surcharge Rules, as amended in 2024
- Carrying out a rigorous Technical Validation Session with a wide variety of stakeholders to address errors and discrepancies before the tariff process, to further transparency and enable more effective public engagement