Date and time: Thursday Sep 10, 2020 | 4 PM
Rumi is an open-source energy-systems modelling platform developed by Prayas (Energy Group) with a focus on demand-oriented modelling. Rumi will complement and strengthen the eco-system of energy models in India, and contribute to enriching the understanding of possible future trajectories of the energy sector as it goes through a period of rapid transition. Rumi will soon be made available for free download and use by the wider energy research community.
Prayas (Energy Group) lauched Rumi at a virtual event on Thursday, September 10, 2020. The launch began with a brief presentation of the key features of Rumi, some insights from an India model based on Rumi, and future plans for it.
The presentation was followed by a panel discussion which explored the role, importance, necessity, policy relevance and challenges of demand-oriented modelling in a dynamic world. The expert panel which deliberated upon these issues comprised of:
- Shonali Pachauri (Acting Program Director, Transitions to New Technologies, IIASA, Vienna),
- Navroz K. Dubash (Professor, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi) and
- Thomas Spencer (Fellow, The Energy Research Institute, New Delhi)
The panel discussion was moderated by Aditya Chunekar of Prayas (Energy Group).
The presentation made at the webinar and its full recording can be accessed below.