Prayas (Energy Group) (PEG), Sustainable Futures Collaborative (SFC), and World Resources Institute India held a webinar on Electricity Sector under the Energy Transition Preparedness Initiative. This webinar delved into the findings from our study on transition preparedness across ten Indian states.

Energy Transition Preparedness Initiative (ETPI) is a joint initiative by PEG, SFC and World Resources Institute India India. It is a multi-year, trans-sectoral project to study energy transition preparedness and progress in selected states in India. ETPI aims to study critical process, planning and institutional aspects of the transition as a necessary complement to the techno-economic drivers covering the three sectors – viz. electricity, transport, and building – and crosscutting aspects of energy transition. Find out more about the research initiative at

The study covers 24 themes across these sectors and key thematic areas as outlined in the ETPI Guidebook. Among these, 11 themes pertain to aspects of the electricity sector related to policy vision, renewable promotion, development of coal thermal sector, DISCOM finances, sales migration, agricultural supply and demand, role of regulatory institutions, demand side management and integrated resource planning. This study is conducted to understand trends in ten states namely- Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu. It covers the status of various issues as on 2020-21 and progress on selected themes up to February 2024.

We presented this study and updates during the webinar.  

The full recording of the webinar can be accessed below.