Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Prayas (Energy Group) published a book in 2017 called “Many Sparks but Little Light: The rhetoric and practice of electricity sector reforms in India” critiquing the reforms in the electricity sector over the past 25 years. The book critically examines these reforms and the impacts they have had, to understand if they achieved their expected objectives and if they helped in achieving the desirable socio-environmental outcomes. The in-depth analysis covers thermal, hydropower and renewable generation, electricity distribution, and associated fuel sectors of coal and natural gas. The book argues that the usual polarised debate of ‘for and against privatisation’ is misleading and proposes that discussions should instead be centred on how to have robust governance and institutions – within and outside government – that can achieve desirable socio-environmental goals in a transparent and accountable manner.
The webinar was attended by over 90 participants from various backgrounds such as academics, students, researchers, government officials and civil society. The presentation was followed by a rich discussion based on questions from the audience. The presentation made at the webinar and its full recording can be accessed below.